Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Agreement signed.

The realtor just left and we have signed some kind of pre-agreement. So we really are seriously going to sell.


The adventure ahead is just so enticing that I can't be sad for the things we'll be leaving behind. But the people we'll miss is a whole different story. Which is why we're making plans for how we'll come back to Seattle and the rest of the country on a regular basis.

My daydreaming is now about the RV as much as it is about Casa Gecko. I hope that's not a sign that I'm never satisfied . . .


Anonymous said...

Do they have an RV with a wine cellar?

Carolyn Hansen said...

Not that I'm aware of. I guess that's why they call it "camping." >shudder!<

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the RV needs to have a side table that folds down into a "slothmaster 2000"

Carolyn Hansen said...

And don't forget the 55-inch flat screen to go with it! (We're already planning to get satellite TV . . .)