Monday, August 4, 2008

Back to school.

Today was like freshman year of high school. I'm in a new school . . . and I only know half my classmates. (Where's my homeroom? Is this French 101?) Plus, I took the bus. At least in high school, you know the stop where you should get off. And you don't have to ask how to pay.

I could at least tell I had been missed. I started meetings at around 9:30 and by noon had more work than I could possibly get done by the deadlines.

"Welcome back. You're late."

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have dreams about going to my final exams and realizing I hadn't attended class the whole semester.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yaaaay, Carolyn! Yaaaaay, bus riding! May your day show you most of all how much you are respected and appreciated by your colleagues.
xx, L.